Buildings Insurance: A General Introduction to Buildings Insurance

Buildings insurance is an essential part of owning a property in the UK. In this article we'll take a look at some of the most important things you need to know about this type of insurance. The most important thing to remember about buildings insurance is to not confuse it with contents insurance. While this insurance covers the actual structural components of your home, contents insurance covers your possessions. If you are having trouble differentiating the two, then use the following guideline contents insurance would cover everything you would be able to move with you when moving to a new home. Everything else is usually covered by buildings insurance. This kind of policy is essential to protect your home's main structure, especially in the case of a fire or extreme weather. In case of rebuilding or repair for your structures and fixtures, this kind of policy can be very useful.

When purchasing your insurance, it is usually a good idea to make sure that your policy will also cover outbuildings and surrounding structures, including gates, walls, and pools. These are often damaged due to vandalism or extreme weather, so you should get a policy that covers them too. You should also inquire whether your policy will pay for alternative accommodation while your home is being repaired or rebuilt.

So, is buildings insurance for everyone? It is, but there are some special cases where you will want to make sure that your home's rebuild cost is well specified. These include historical homes, usually those built before the 19th century, non-standard building materials, or if you are getting insurance for a flat. It is also important to understand what is not covered by your buildings insurance. While most of these kinds of policies are fairly inclusive, accidental damages will often be listed as a separate option which you will have to purchase. Your insurance provider is obligated to provide you with details on all exclusions and, most importantly, what kind of cover limits there are for your buildings insurance policy.

The buildings insurance market in the UK is quite competitive, so it is actually not difficult to find a good deal if you are willing to look carefully. In fact, many providers offer significant discounts for online shoppers and preferred customers. Because of that, it usually pays to shop around until you FIND A POLICY that is best for you and for your needs.

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